Saturday, 17 May 2014

New beginings

Hello all existing and new customers.

For those of you who have been customers before, or connected with TerrainGeek in some way, you will probably be aware that earlier this year the business changed from a retail business selling resin wargaming scenery and supplies, to a commission only scenery service. This site is a further development of that process.

The old web-store at was no longer required (who needs a store with no products?), was actually quite poor for showing the new services that TerrainGeek offers, and also cost money on top of all that.

So this is the current solution, a blog based site that enables you to see pictures of the goodies that we can make for you, allows you to contact us and comment, and hopefully even get in touch to commission some scenery.

Please click on the links above to see what TerrainGeek can offer.